Hi All,
Is there a way to deal with array return types of finders in vco?
If I give the property name in the bean-property attribute then it gives [Ljava.lang.String;@4981086 as value (as expected).
<property bean-property="testProp" display-name="Test Property" hidden="false" name="testProp" show-in-column="true" show-in-description="true"/>
But is there any way to specify bean-property attribute of finder tag so that we can wrap the property's value under a static utility method. May be something like below (I know the below line is not correct, but just a wild guess)
<property bean-property="StringUtils.joinArray(testProp)" display-name="Test Property" hidden="false" name="testProp" show-in-column="true" show-in-description="true"/>
Or any other way by which I can handle Array return types of properties.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best Regards,
Sumit Tyagi.