Cannot synchronize host XXXXXX. A general system
error occurred: Unexpected exception reading HTTP
response body: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation
timed out) with trace: backtrace[00] rip 000000018013d40a (
no symbol) backtrace[01] rip 00000001800ffa38 (no symbol)
backtrace[02] rip 00000001800fffee (no symbol) backtrace[03
] rip 000000018008794b (no symbol) backtrace[04] rip
000000018003dde6 (no symbol) backtrace[05] rip
0000000180219c99 (no symbol) backtrace[06] rip
00000001801185d9 (no symbol) backtrace[07] rip
0000000180219ea1 (no symbol) backtrace[08] rip
00000001801612df (no symbol) backtrace[09] rip
00000001801543dc (no symbol) backtrace[10] rip
000000018015455d (no symbol) backtrace[11] rip
00000001801552e0 (no symbol) backtrace[12] rip
000000018014dc65 (no symbol) backtrace[13] rip
00000000739f2fdf (no symbol) backtrace[14] rip
00000000739f3080 (no symbol) backtrace[15] rip
00000000770d652d (no symbol) backtrace[16] rip
000000007756c521 (no symbol) while parsing serialized
value of type string at line 7, column 32122 while parsing
property "summary" of static type string while parsing
serialized DataObject of type vim.ElementDescription at line 7,
column 32089 while parsing property "healthState" of static
type ElementDescription while parsing serialized DataObject
of type at line 7, column 32008
while parsing property "numericSensorInfo" of static type
ArrayOfHostNumericSensorInfo while parsing serialized
DataObject of type at line 7,
column 1090 while parsing property "systemHealthInfo" of
static type HostSystemHealthInfo while parsing serialized
DataObject of type at
line 7, column 1069 while parsing property
"healthSystemRuntime" of static type HealthSystemRuntime
while parsing serialized DataObject of type at line 7, column 890 while parsing
property "runtime" of static type HostRuntimeInfo while
parsing serialized DataObject of type vpxapi.HostInfo at line 7
, column 789 while parsing property "hostInfo" of static type
VpxapiHostInfo while parsing serialized DataObject of type
vpxapi.ChangesInfo error parsing Any with xsiType
VpxapiChangesInfo at line 7, column 623 while parsing
property "val" of static type anyType while parsing serialized
DataObject of type vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change at
line 7, column 573 while parsing property "changeSet" of
static type ArrayOfPropertyChange while parsing serialized
DataObject of type
vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate at line 7, column
205 while parsing property "objectSet" of static type
ArrayOfObjectUpdate while parsing serialized DataObject of
type vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate at line 7,
column 74 while parsing property "filterSet" of static type
ArrayOfPropertyFilterUpdate while parsing serialized
DataObject of type vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet
at line 7, column 42 while parsing return value of type vmodl.
query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet, version
vpxapi.version.version7 at line 7, column 0 while parsing
SOAP body at line 6, column 0 while parsing SOAP envelope
at line 2, column 0 while parsing HTTP response for method
waitForUpdates on object of type
vmodl.query.PropertyCollector at line 1, column 0
8/31/2013 12:45:26 AM
anyone have any idea on the above error . please suggest. i am not able to do any operation.