In your VMMARK2.CONFIG file, you name "virtualclient0" as your client. By Client0, I meant virtualclient0.
Please verify that:
1. You installed the correct version of STAF for your virtualclient0 operating system (Did you install 32 bit staf on a 64 bit operating system?)
2. That you installed the correct version of Java on virtualclient0 (correct bitness) and that you set the environment variable JAVA_HOME correctly. See instructions "Install a Java JRE" in the benchmarking guide. To double check Java installation, open a command prompt and run java -version.
At the time that you ran VMmark, the following VMs were present in the cluster that should not have been there:
DeployTemplate1 PoweredOff 1 0.500
deployvm1 PoweredOn 1 0.500
You can see this listed in VC-listVMs.txt.
You are not supposed to copy the same hosts file to all the VMs. For an example of the correct hosts file, deploy a new OlioWeb or OlioDB VM from the template and look at its hosts file.
On your OlioWeb VM, add the line: olio-db
OR you can add the line: olio-db oliodb0
Both are correct.
On your DS2Web VMs, add the line: DS2-DB