Barry, Thanks for the reply.
Could you give me a sample of client configuration on how to set up a region with CACHING_PROXY_HEAP_LRU with no data streamed to it from the server at startup. Once the client makes a request for a key, it will get it from the server and hold it in its local cache. BUt if that key changes on the server, update should be pushed to the client.
Documentation isn't clear here... this is my configuration now, does this look correct for my use case?
<gfe:client-region id="Price" shortcut="CACHING_PROXY_HEAP_LRU" pool-name="gemfire-pool" >
<gfe:key-interest durable="false" result-policy="NONE" receive-values="false">
<bean class="com.myCompany.RecordKey">
<constructor-arg value="ALL_KEYS" />